Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
2182 Erie Railroad Magazine, 47, no. 3 (May 1951), 82 pp.
2186 The Local Press on the Erie Railway Management.
2179 ADAMS, CHARLES F., JR., and HENRY ADAMS. Chapters of Erie.
2180 COLLINS, JOHN F., JR., and ROBERT C. GERLING. "The Rochester Branch of the Erie."
2181 CROUCH, GEORGE. Erie under Gould and Fisk: A Comparison of the Past and Present Management Respectfully Dedicated to the Stockholders and Bondholders Generally.
2183 GORDON, WILLIAM R. Stories and History of the Erie Railroad--Rochester Division.
2184 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. Men of Erie: A Story of Human Effort.
2185 KINGSBURY, H.D. "The Conesus Lake Railroad."
2187 LORD, ELEAZAR. A Historical Review of the New York and Erie Railroad,
2188 MINOR, GEORGE H. The Erie System: A Statement of Various Facts Relating to the Organization and Corporate History of the Various Companies.
2189 MOTT, EDWARD H. Between the Ocean end the Lakes: The Story of Erie.
2190 STURGIS, HENRY S. A New Chapter of Erie: The Story of Erie's Reorganization, 1938-1941.
2191 WESTING, FREDERICK. Erie Power: Steam and Diesel Locomotives of the Erie Railroad from 1840 to 1970.
2192 WOODRUFF, ROBERT E. Erie Railroad--Its Beginnings: 1851.

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